2024 Wholesale Banking Step Challenge

To start the challenge
Get into teams
People per team
Steps to complete together
Days to complete it

A little more info

Congratulations! You have made the first step towards an exciting journey!  

Get ready to lace up these sneakers, give those bikes a dust-off, and step into the great outdoors for some good, old-fashioned fun. We will walk, run and cycle for three weeks, and virtually visit all our WB locations. Let's breathe in that fresh air, feel the earth beneath our feet, and break a sweat!

We know how challenging it can be to find time for exercise in our busy lives, but why not turn your next meeting into a walk-and-talk session? Every step counts towards your goals, and with the support of your colleagues, you'll achieve more than you ever thought possible.

Catch you at the finish line!

Helpful hints

Wanting to use the app on your phone?

  • Step 1 Download the iPhone or Android app on your phone.

  • Step 2 On the first screen input "ing" when it asks for your challenge website address

  • Step 3 Sign in with the same e-mail address you registered with online, or create a new account if you don't already have one.

  • Step 4 Enjoy the challenge!